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Saturday, February 2, 2008

More Talent

It is Saturday February 2nd and Lion Gate Movie new release 'The Eye is already doing well in the theatres all over North America.
Well It is in second place after Hanna Montana's film which is already at the $29 million mark. THe eye is placed second with sales of $13 million, not too bad I'd say.

Well it can be said it is time to get back and start looking for more talent. Lions Gate has picked up another movie to be marketed and sold by LGF. 'Dead Noon' is a comic horror movie of its shot by up and coming fimmaker Andrew Wiest. "The budget for the whole thing was exactly $4000" said the movie director Andrew Wiest, as they could not spend more on it.

Wiest will later be heading for Holliwood where Lions Gate will be reframing 'Dead Noon' along with a hig profile artist to enhance its image. Get a glimpse

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