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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Policy on shareholder Communication

The lionsgate board of governers recognises the importance of shareholders committee to be able to communicate directly with the board. In respect to that, the board has developed a communications policy to facilitate these communications.

Shareholders wishing to communicate with the board and recommending director nominees may do so by writing to any or all non-employee directors care of the corporate secretary as either of the principal executive officers.

The corporate will communicate to the director addressee(s) that in his judgement are appropriate for consideration by the directors.
Examples of inappropriate communications to the board include but are not limited to

  • Commercial solitications
  • tivial, obcene or profane matters
  • administrative matters
  • ordinary business matters
  • or personal grievances.

  • Communication that will be deemed inappropriate will be handled by the corporate secretary.
    All appropriate matters will be dealt with immeadiately.
    All shareholders who provide information must provide
  • Name and address of the shareholder who provides recommendation
  • All information about the nominee that lionsgate would be required to provide in a proxy statement in accordance with the US 'securities exchange act 1934' and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
  • Certification of the candidate
  • Proof of the candidate's consent to serve in the board of directors if elected
  • proof of the candidates agreement to answer a questionnaire upon request by the board.
  • Evidence of shareholders eligibility as set out in the 'Exchange Act Rule 14a-8(b)(2).
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